Re: A86: on interrupt
Re: A86: on interrupt
actually the only time you could run a BASIC program is from one of the
(sqrt) programs such as (sqrt)key. the four _alt programs, interrupt,
slink, on, and off, do not allow running a BASIC program, or even changing
variables. i tried to: run a BASIC program with the call to $4C47 (or $474c
whatever it is) and that didn't work. I tried changing the entry and
simulating enter push and that didn't work. Nothing works within. The only
time you could check a flag to see if the calc has just been turned on is in
an interrupt and BASIC programs can't be run then either. Then only thing
that CAN be done is hotkeys... run program named X when key sequence Y is
pressed. This is infact very very doable - if you want source i'll post
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Smith <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, March 30, 1998 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: A86: on interrupt
>Why cant you make a program that will run a basic program on startup?
>someone suggested having a basic program run when the calc was turned on,
>kind of like a autoexec.bat file, and Kirk Meyer was going to make a
>program to do this; but I emailed him about it a couple weeks ago and he
>said that you can't run a basic program on startup.
>Andy S Johnson wrote:
>> Do this:
>> _USER EQU $d48f
>> _BIT EQU 3
>> install:
>> res _BIT,(iy+$23) ;turn user routine off so it won't get called by
>> ;accident before we're ready
>> ld hl,user ;copy prog to user buffer
>> ld de,_USER+1
>> ld bc,200
>> ldir
>> ld a,(_USER+1) ;set up checksum byte
>> ld hl,_USER+($28*1)
>> add a,(hl)
>> ld hl,_USER+($28*2)
>> add a,(hl)
>> ld hl,_USER+($28*3)
>> add a,(hl)
>> ld hl,_USER+($28*4)
>> add a,(hl)
>> ld hl,_USER+($28*5)
>> add a,(hl)
>> ld (_USER),a
>> set _BIT,(iy+$23) ;turn it on
>> ret
>> user:
>> push af
>> push bc
>> push de
>> push hl
>> ;your program goes here
>> pop hl
>> pop de
>> pop bc
>> pop af
>> ret
>> ---
>> Andy Johnson
>> "Change is inevitable...
>> except from vending machines"
>> On Mon, 30 Mar 1998 18:40:29 +0200 Scalp <> writes:
>> >
>> >can someone explain me how does the on interrupt work
>> >I think I can load my prog in user memory and set some flag, but I
>> >don't
>> >know how...
>> >
>> >Thanx
>> >Nicolas
>> >
>> >