Re: A86: Poor poor Windows users... :)
Re: A86: Poor poor Windows users... :)
>So what's the solution? A free operating system such as Linux or
>FreeBSD. They are the products of open collaboration with developers
>all over the world to produce a cutting-edge operating system. FreeBSD
>is light years ahead of Windows NT in terms of features, stability, and
>hardware required to run. Same with Linux. Both allow access to nearly
>any filesystem under the sun (including FAT32, Microsoft's laughable
>attempt at making FAT actually work with large hard drives). Both are
>truly 32-bit and support TRUE pre-emptive multitasking (which Windows
>does not do well). Neither have that stupid "Y2K" problem (which
>Microsoft is trying to capitalize on with their Y2K patches). And, you
>may crash the machine once every few months or so (as opposed to having
>to reboot 4 to 5 times a day in Windows).
I've never crashed my box as far as I can remember... I did crash it a few
times when i tried to install a $5 ethernet card...but thats what I get...
try and get 4.2 if your new to linux... If you have a fast
interent connection, you can even install the OS right over the internet
(been here done that).
>Linux is rapidly gaining ground. In 1997, it was the only non-Microsoft
>OS that gained any market share. The current user base is estimated at
>10 million. You can run nearly all your DOS software with DOSemu (at
>nearly full speed too) for Linux. You can run most Windows 3.x software
>and some Windows 95 software with WINE or WABI.
And mac software with