Re: A86: Link Port 1
Re: A86: Link Port 1
He means the actual opcodes in hex, because he is typing the program in hex
in the TI-BASIC editor.
ld a,%01110111 ; 3E 77
out (1),a ; D3 01
nop ; 00
in a,(1) ; DB 01
To get the $77 for the xx part of ld a,xx, you are right to convert
%01110111 to hex. Your 86 will convert binary to hex without any trouble.
At 10:25 AM 7/5/98 -0600, you wrote:
>you don't need to convert it to hexadecimal... you need to output it to
>port 1 wait and input:
>ld a,%01110111
>out (1),a
>nop \ nop \ nop \ nop
>in a,(1)
> wrote:
>> How would I write this code in hex codes? I want to use port 1 for getkey
>> purposes, but I can't figure out how to write this one thing. Do I
convert it
>> to hexadecimal, or what?
>> ld a,%01110111 ;At least I know how to write a comment.
// David Phillips
// ICQ: 13811951
// AIM: electrum32