Re: A86: Strings and Asm Prgms
Re: A86: Strings and Asm Prgms
Great code, but I think he meant read data in from a string variable, like
how sqrxz reads in it's levels. Which, incidentally, is right there in the
source for sqrxz. Just check that out. It's on
At 11:15 AM 7/2/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Roy Wong wrote:
>> Hey there... I'm kinda new, and just wanted to make a new game with
>> an "add new stuff" capability, similar to the level add ons that I've
>> seen with games like Slippy and Sqrxz (spelling?). Any way, the
>> question is, how do I make my asm program read a string? I'm sure that
>> most people know this (but I don't), and are probably annoyed by this,
>> but could you guys answer it anyway? I'm not telling anyone about the
>> game, in case i don't follow through with it all the way, like i do
>> with everything else... hehe.
> call _clrScrn
> call _homeup
> ld de,_ioPrompt
> ld hl,prompt
> call _mov10B ;move to prompt buffer
> call _mov10B
> ld hl,(_CLEANTMP)
> push hl ;save _cleantmp
> ld hl,(_PTempCnt)
> ld (_CLEANTMP),hl
> ld a,$0c ;value for input str
> ld (_ASAP_IND),a
> call _exec_pg3 ;input the string
> pop hl
> ld (_CLEANTMP),hl ;put _cleantmp back
> ;string is now in the variable whose name is in op1
> prompt:
> "Your Prompt:",0
>> Thanks in Advance Damnation
>Hmm. I was afraid of that.
// David Phillips
// ICQ: 13811951
// AIM: electrum32