Re: A86: ASM Programming Test - div 3
Re: A86: ASM Programming Test - div 3
Awsome! That routine is definitely going in my toolbox of useful routines.
You forgot the <sub c> with the <inc d>, but I figured that out from the
comments. Do you think you could explain how it works?
; Divide
; by Joshua Grams <>
; input: d = dividend, c = divisor
; output: d = quotient, a = remainder
; total: 15b/355t to 363t (exluding RET)
push bc ; save bc
sub a ; clear a
ld b,8 ; 8 shifts
sla d ; shift left d
rla ; into a
cp c ; is a >= c
jr c,DivideS ; skip if not
sub c ; a = a - c
inc d ; set bit in d
djnz DivideL ; loop
pop bc ; restore bc
ret ; done
-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Grams <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, December 10, 1998 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: A86: ASM Programming Test - div 3
>Shift routines work just fine. If I remember correctly, that's basically
>the way hardware dividers (integer) work. This routine divides a by c,
>returns quotient in d, remainder in a. Actually, it might not work, I just
>kind of dashed it off, let me know if it doesn't. . .
>; divisor in c
>push bc
>ld d,a ; put dividend in d
>sub a ; clear a
>ld b,8 ; 8 shifts
>l0: sla d ; shift left d
>rla ; into a
>cp c ;if a >= c, a = a-c, set bit in d
>jr c,l1
>inc d
>l1: djnz l0 ; loop
>pop bc