Re: A86: linking w/ the 82
Re: A86: linking w/ the 82
So, that _linkExec is sort of like _exec_pg3 except for another ROM page?
Which page? It looks like there are three link routines on that page, one
to recieve, one to continue recieving and one to send ... someone really
ought to sort through all those exec/asap_ind routines.
>It appears that some are. I don't understand how they were, but these are
>the link port routines from the Vertigo source code. From what I remember,
>the byte to send/receive is in A, and the carry flag is set if there is an
>error. If someone wants to document these, that'd be awsome:
>(note: if you've ever seen the Vertigo source code, you'll know know it's
>full of #ifdef's, #define's and #endif's, so I might have cut the wrong
>code, left some out, etc...)
> in a,(LINKPORT)
> scf
> ret z
> push bc
> jr DoLink
> push bc
> jr DoLink
> push bc
> ld b,_ASAP_SEND
> push de
> push hl
> ld hl,_ASAP_IND
> ld (hl),b
> ld hl,LinkErrorHandler
> call _setErrorHand
> set 2,(iy+12h)
> call _linkExec
> ld h,a
> call _clearErrorHand
> or 1 ;clear cf
>.org $-1
> scf
> res 2,(iy+12h) ;error handler resets this anyway
> ld a,h
> pop hl
> pop de
> pop bc
> ret
>_setErrorHand =41A1h
>_clearErrorHand =41A4h
>_linkExec =571Ch
>>The protocol is documented, but there aren't any known ROM calls, or are