A86: Re: Re: Sierpinski Problems
A86: Re: Re: Sierpinski Problems
Thanks a bunch!
-----Original Message-----
From: Dux Gregis <assets@eden.rutgers.edu>
To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Sunday, December 06, 1998 12:04 AM
Subject: A86: Re: Sierpinski Problems
>>Hello. I'm almost ready to release my Sierpinski Fractal Drawer. It's
>>pretty neato, since it uses my own routine that's so fast, it only takes
>>about 0.2 seconds to draw the whole thing! =)
>>The one problem, is that if there's any small interference, the whole
>>goes outta whack. The main thing is when the user leaves the Axes On, has
>>not cleared the graphmem, or has left FNON.
>>Now the questions:
>>Which Flag do I reset in order to disable the Axes?
>it appears that set 5,(iy+4) will turn off the axes
>res 5,(iy+4) will turn them back on
>>How do I prevent it from getting messed up if the user has something drawn
>>in the graph screen?
>clear the graph screen:
> ld hl,_plotSScreen
> ld de,_plotSScreen+1
> ld bc,1023
> ld (hl),0
> ldir
>>Does _clrLCD affect the GRAPHMEM?
>>How do I turn FNOFF in ASM? Is there a flag to reset?
>it probably has to do with a flag in the equation variable VAT entry or
>something like that, aar you'd be better off not worrying about it
>>Should I just do this stuff in BASIC, and call the actual Sieprinski
>>from a BASIC program? (It can't be run from a shell anyways).
>>Thanks a bunch!
>>P.S. - Should I send what I already have? (Two components: ASM drawer:
>>131 bytes, BASIC drawer: ONLY 7 LINES LONG!! =), the BASIC program only
>>spends about 2 minutes drawing the whole thing...It uses my own routine.