Re: A86: Sierpinski Problems
Re: A86: Sierpinski Problems
the +6 is for the buffer at $ca00, not the true graph mem at $c9f9
also, if you were going to use this, you would want inc e in place of inc de
(that is, if you wanted to be supercool ;-)
>set grfnoaxis,(iy+grfdbflags) ;will take the Axes out
> ld hl,_plotSScreen+6;i don't know why the +6 is there? it would depend
>on where the Graphs memory starts.
> ld d,h
> ld e,l
> inc de
> ld (hl), 0
> ld bc,1024
> ldir
> ret
>this should clear the graph (something i found in Dux Gregis's work)
>i don't know if _clrLCD does affectt he graph but if it does you could
>use the same routine except put $fc00 where _potSScreen+6 is
>and if i knew what FN was (or what it ment) i might be able to help