Re: A86: Guessing game


Re: A86: Guessing game

On Thu, 13 Aug 1998 23:38:28 EDT writes:
>Can somebody tell me what is wrong here.  What is supposed to happen 
>is a
>number is guessed, it says too high or too low, the screen clears, and 
>starts over until the right number is guessed.  Please help.

ok, well what does it do?  (i wish the emulator worked on this
it's ok to make your own equates, too:
_setxxop2 equ $4617
it makes the code a lot easier to read

On Fri, 14 Aug 1998 08:52:57 -0700 Tercero <> writes:
>>         ld hl,string
>>         ld de,$c324
>>         call _mov10B
>Copy "Guess =" directly to textshadow right?  If so you are going to
>get the first two letters of your next string.

$c324 is _ioPrompt.  this sets up the prompt for the call to _exec_pg3
function $0d


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