Re: A86: Another Question
Re: A86: Another Question
On Thu, 13 Aug 1998 23:27:59 -0400 "Ahmed El-Helw"
<> writes:
>hello, can someone tell me why this outputs huge numbers? Am I missing
my, but that's odd looking code.
how huge? do they get bigger than 86? it doesn't look like you'd get
anything bigger than that to me.
make sure varspace doesn't run over Random.
why are you using memory when you've got 2 perfectly good registers
> ld a,(temp) ;Increase Temp and Temp2 by 2 each
> inc a \ inc a
> ld (temp),a
> ld a,(temp2)
> inc a \ inc a
> ld (temp2),a
> ld a,(temp2)
was this really written in asm?
> price = varspace+1
> price1 = varspace+2
> price14 = varspace+3
make sure this is after all the code
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