A86: Bug in ROM 1.2
A86: Bug in ROM 1.2
I found a dangerous bug in ROM 1.2. This may have already
been discovered, please tell me if it was. Pat@ti, you listening?
I was installing some programs on my calculator this morning.
I loaded a bunch of stuff on it, ran ASE, and then looked to
see what it all was. I found an uncompiled asm program so
I left ASE and ran it from the OS (since you can't run it from
ASE). I got an error and had it goto. Somehow, a bunch of
basic commands had been added to somewhere in the middle
oof the program. This was all fine and dandy so I deleted the
program. When I restarted ASE, the opening screen for the
program I just deleted appeared on the screen and then my
calculator crashed.
What happened is simple. ASE was loaded into asm_exec
when I was looking at the programs. Then I ran the damaged
uncompiled asm program from the homescreen. The OS
began loading it into asm_exec until the error in the middle
interrupted it. When I reran ASE, the calculator checked
and found that ASE was the last program run and assumed
that it was still in asm_exec when actually half of the
damaged program was. Someone want to see if this bug is
in 1.3 also?