Re: A86: Re: mini-shell problems
Re: A86: Re: mini-shell problems
At 12:12 AM 8/12/98 EDT, you wrote:
>The problem with the strange characters has occured on all versions of
>mini-shell I've tried, this is up to .72, if there is a later version, I
>have not yet gotten it. I am also using it on a 86 with ROM version 1.3,
>could this be what's causing the problem? If you want me to send you an
>image of the screen showing the problem I can, but ask me, because If you
>don't want it I'm not going to bother.
Sure, send it up, i know there is a problem with the free mem, but that can
be fixed easily. This bug you are talking about hasn't been reported by
anyone else.
Its up to v.9, get it at
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