Re: A86: SQRXZ for Gameboy!


Re: A86: SQRXZ for Gameboy!

On Mon, 10 Aug 1998 00:05:44 -0400 "Matt Johnson" <>

>No. The gameboy has been popular for over 10 years
>and the new color gameboy will be very popular. That
>statement is incorrect.

Ten years is a LONG time.  This is exactly why Nintendo is working on
there next system, I think that it is called Atlantis.  I don't know if
it's still on, but I do know that it is  has a 32 bit processor.  BTW, do
you own a gameboy?  Have you seen the latest crap that has come from
nintendo as far as games (excluding donkey kong's)?  Have you seen the
prices for these games?  You may be saying that GB is alive by the fact
that Ess and Mardell are making games for it.  By that token it just
might still be useful for something besides a paperweight.  However for
the majority of the people out there who own a GB, and who don't own a
computer with illegal emulators and ROMs gameboy is just about done.  I
have looked into better portable systems that are better.  For example,
Sega Nomad.  Granted Sega is almost dead and the system eats thorugh
batteries like there is no tomarrow, but that is the price you pay for a
16 bit, 7MHz processor, a color LCD capable of displaying 64 colors at
once, ETC.Oh yea, it also plays the whole library 500+ genesis games. 
(It also retails for $50, THATS LESS THEN A GAMEBOY!)  Genesis games also
cost much less than Gameboy games.  I also don't see how Ess can be
making money on it.  If he is, good for him, he is a great programmer,
responsible for some unbelievable feats on the Z80, but the real market
and money lies in computer software and higher game console systems.  I
respect your opinion, but from a game player's stance the GB's future
looks dark.
						- Mike

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