Re: A86: SQRXZ for Gameboy!


Re: A86: SQRXZ for Gameboy!

>>  > Gameboy is dead!

No. The gameboy has been popular for over 10 years
and the new color gameboy will be very popular. That
statement is incorrect.

>>  Thank you for your opinion.  Whether or not you think
>>  Gameboy is dead, but Andreas Ess is making money. <=)

I doubt it. At least not now. And don't forget that Jimmy Mardell and
another guy are also part of the team too. SQRXZ was made originally
for the TI calcs by Jimmy Mardell

>Actually, I don't think he is making any money at all. The game only runs
>the emulator, and may not even run on a real GB.

Yes, it does.

>I even believe Jimmy wrote
>the GB version.

He may have had help

> Anyway, the Gameboy is far from dead, and has surpased all
>other hand held systems.


>Nintendo is also producing a color version of the

Yes. The LCD is not backlit, LCD reflective color, 56 colors on the screen
at once I think,
it can run like 10 hours on two AAA I believe.. and twice as fast as the

> By the way, they also ported Deadalues (sp?) to the GB. But that was
>never released to the public.

Umm.. as far as I know, completely incorrect. I asked Jimmy Mardell about it
he told me quote 'You obviously don't know anything about gameboy
I read some more stuff on it after he said that. A 1MHZ CPU with limited Z80
support and hardware dedicated only for 2D tilebased acceleration cannot and
not be powerful enough to drive a 3D raycasting game, i.e. Daedalus. The
I made above is 100% accurate so I wont respond to any arguments ;-) j/k..

