Re: A86: Need Help! Level Maps!
Re: A86: Need Help! Level Maps!
Actually, you used a bit per block, not a byte. Our routine did use a
byte, for a game with multiple sprites, like Mario or Sqrxz.
At 11:46 PM 8/5/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Ok, I failed again. However I know I came close. Here's the
>source I came up with. I'd appeciate it if someone would
>show me my mistake. What I did in my game is the same thing
>Matt and David did. (Use a byte per block).
>Tercero -- Email:
>"The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone;"
> --Psalms 118:22
>"Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces,
>but he on whom it falls will be crushed."
> --Luke 20:18
>#include "asm86.h"
>#include ""
>.org _asm_exec_ram
> call _clrLCD
> ld a, 15
> ld d, a ;save a for later
> ld hl, Level1 ;point to data
> ld b, 0 ;\
> ld c, a ; > do an easy addition
> add hl, bc ;/
> ld a, (hl) ;get the first byte of data
> ld b, 8
> or a
> sra a
> call nz, DispBlock
> djnz ShiftLoop
> ld a, d
> dec a
> jp nz, Loop
> ret
> push af
> push bc
> push de
> push hl
> ld hl, $0000
> dec b
> ld h, b
> ld a, d
> and $01
> cp 1
> jp z, Padone
> ld a, 8
> add a, h
> ld h, a
> ld l, d
> srl l
> ld de, Block
> call AlignSprite
> pop hl
> pop de
> pop bc
> pop af
> ret
> .db %11111111,%11111111
> .db %10000000,%00000001
> .db %10001100,%00110001
> .db %10000000,%00000001
> .db %10010000,%00001001
> .db %10001111,%11110001
> .db %10000000,%00000001
> .db %11111111,%11111111
>Block: .db %11111111,%10000001,%10111101,%10100101
> .db %10100101,%10111101,%10000001,%11111111
>;Input: DE = Sprite Address |
>; H = X-Coord (0-15) |
>; L = Y-Coord (0-7) |
>;Output: Sprite drawn to screen |
>;Destroyed: none |
> push af
> push bc
> push de
> push hl
> ld a, h
> ld h, l
> ld l, a
> sla l
> srl h
> rr l
> ld bc, $FC00
> add hl, bc
> ld b, 8
> ld a, (de)
> ld (hl), a
> inc de
> ld a, 16
> add a, l
> ld l, a
> jp nc, ASNoinc
> inc h
> djnz ASpriteLoop
> pop hl ;\
> pop de ; \
> pop bc ; > cleanup and goodbye
> pop af ; /
> ret ;/
David Phillips
ICQ: 13811951
AOL/AIM: electrum32