Re: A86:sqrt


Re: A86:sqrt

the [sqrt]CMDTOK is run when an already-compiled program is run, i.e.
when a single token is processed. it is therefore also run when the
enter key is pushed - after [sqrt]PARSE.

Stephen Hicks wrote:
> I was doing a little bit of experimenting with the sqrt programs, and
> this is what i've found
> PARSE: This is run every time the enter key is pressed.  Its parameter
> is the hidden '#' program.  The stuff that's on the homescreen prompt is
> there.  However, it's not quite right...?  Also, it rets right after
> calling it, so you could probably jump to the parser after manipulating
> the # program.  I'm going to look into this later - no time now...
> FORM: This too is run once when enter is pressed, and it causes it to
> ret out somewhere before displaying teh result.  I think it has to do
> with displaying it.  not sure, tho
> EXEC: I can't figure this one out - whenever i execute a command, it
> gives me an arguments error.
> HOME: I'm not too sure about this one - I think it has something to do
> with when a character is printed to the home screen.
> CMDTOK: I could never get this one to run
> These equates came in handy.  You might want to just paste it into your
> include file or something...  If anyone knows any more than this (i
> didn't bother checking EXPR, GRF, or KEY) please tell me
> sqrtEXPR  .equ $5988
> sqrtPARSE  .equ $59B3
> sqrtEXEC  .equ $59F4
> sqrtFORM  .equ $5A13
> sqrtCMDTOK  .equ $5A37
> sqrtHOME  .equ $5A69
> sqrtKEY   .equ $5A92
> sqrtGRF   .equ $5AB6
> sqrtPARSEinstalled .equ 0
> sqrtFORMinstalled .equ 1
> sqrtEXECinstalled .equ 2
> sqrtEXPRinstalled .equ 3
> sqrtHOMEinstalled .equ 4
> sqrtCMDTOKinstalled .equ 5
> sqrtGRFinstalled .equ 6
> sqrtKEYinstalled .equ 7
> sqrtFlags  .equ $24
> --
> Stephen Hicks
> ICQ:5453914
> IRC/AIM:Kupopo
> Hopemage:


=                                   =
=   Kirk Meyer (   =
= =
=                                   =
=   "Set your affection on things   =
=    above, not on things on the    =
=      earth."  Colossians 3:2      =
=                                   =

Follow-Ups: References: