


I was doing a little bit of experimenting with the sqrt programs, and
this is what i've found

PARSE: This is run every time the enter key is pressed.  Its parameter
is the hidden '#' program.  The stuff that's on the homescreen prompt is

there.  However, it's not quite right...?  Also, it rets right after
calling it, so you could probably jump to the parser after manipulating
the # program.  I'm going to look into this later - no time now...
FORM: This too is run once when enter is pressed, and it causes it to
ret out somewhere before displaying teh result.  I think it has to do
with displaying it.  not sure, tho
EXEC: I can't figure this one out - whenever i execute a command, it
gives me an arguments error.
HOME: I'm not too sure about this one - I think it has something to do
with when a character is printed to the home screen.
CMDTOK: I could never get this one to run

These equates came in handy.  You might want to just paste it into your
include file or something...  If anyone knows any more than this (i
didn't bother checking EXPR, GRF, or KEY) please tell me

sqrtEXPR  .equ $5988
sqrtPARSE  .equ $59B3
sqrtEXEC  .equ $59F4
sqrtFORM  .equ $5A13
sqrtCMDTOK  .equ $5A37
sqrtHOME  .equ $5A69
sqrtKEY   .equ $5A92
sqrtGRF   .equ $5AB6

sqrtPARSEinstalled .equ 0
sqrtFORMinstalled .equ 1
sqrtEXECinstalled .equ 2
sqrtEXPRinstalled .equ 3
sqrtHOMEinstalled .equ 4
sqrtCMDTOKinstalled .equ 5
sqrtGRFinstalled .equ 6
sqrtKEYinstalled .equ 7

sqrtFlags  .equ $24
Stephen Hicks
