Re: A86: on interrupt


Re: A86: on interrupt

Andy Johnson
"Change is inevitable...
     except from vending machines"

On Tue, 31 Mar 1998 20:57:04 -0500 Dux Gregis <>

[original messages snipped, we're trying to run a basic program from an
interupt or an event handler (sqrtKey), the normal rom call does not

>It probably gives a memory error because you are trying to load a 
>program into
>code that you are still running.  Did you try using jp _exec_asm?  I 
>think you
>would have to also install an alternate return that forces out.  If 
>that doesn't
>work you could also try using the "special execute asm" that Scabby 
>posted in
>symtest at Rom Central  :-)
>If that doesn't work and you're crazy enough, you can uninstall the 
>handler and hopr that your calc doesn't crash!

Has anyone tried loading another asm program using the module idea and
running the basic program from there?  

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