Re: A86: Re: Couple of questions...
Re: A86: Re: Couple of questions...
> Actually all virii are not TSRs, some simply attach their code to
> programs, and whenever the program is run they spread, then shut down.
> This wouldn't be hard at all on an 86, especially since ti included so
> much stuff for asm programmers. (Though for some reason won't tell us
> about it. Maybe ti's reluctance to provide information is to prevent
> somebody from making a ti-virus, and to prevent some paranoid people from
> buying HPs instead, though I doubt it).
Superstitious, eh? Well don't worry, TI was reluctant to put a keypad on the
86, but fortunately clear thinking prevailed.
My bit about viri: it would be possible to put the virus on somebody's calc
when any program is sent, not just when the program that originated the virus
was sent. If this were the case, it would be almost impossible to track down
the program from which the virus originated, especially if the virus is well
designed, not showing up until a few days or weeks after the calc contracted
it... a little malevolent, but certainly very fascinating. Btw, you wouldn't
want to make a virus that "shuts down" the calc--that would be to easy.
Maybe something like disabling the parser?