Re: A86: Idea for shell/loader standards...
Re: A86: Idea for shell/loader standards...
n X t writes:
> On Thu, 18 Sep 1997 16:36:37 -0400 (EDT) writes:
> >ACTUALLY, there already IS a standard. How else did Pacman98 know how
> >to do
> >it. It's posted on Dan Eble's web page. Unfortunately, AShell (even
> >v1.3 or
> >whatever is the new one) still uses v 0 of that standard:
> yes i know that.. but, do other people use it? no. i've only seen about 3
> games (asm programs..etc..) that uses it..
> hmm the game Vexed, the description for it in Ashell is messed up.. but
> doesn't mess up the game..
If you look at my Chem86, it's messed up, too. That's because thy use v. 1
of the standard. That uses a relative pointer to the description, rather
than absolute, so it points to somewhere in ROM...
jp Start
.dw $0001
.dw Title-_asm_exec_ram
;other stuff
.db "Whatever",0
~Stephen Hicks