Re: A86: Re: Questions about assembly programming


Re: A86: Re: Questions about assembly programming

On Fri, 5 Sep 1997, Matthew Johnson wrote:

> asm and learn more about it, hopefully Dan Eble (the TI god), can help me
Please, I'm just a guy with a couple years' experience programming the 85.

>     How do you display a register as a number? I suspect its a ROM call.

You can display AHL as a decimal number with $4A33.

>    Do you ever need to swap RAM or is it automatic when using absolute
> addressing? Please explain in detail
>   how the memory works, that will help me a lot.

I don't know in detail how the memory works.  When you use rst 10, it
returns a 24-bit virtual address.  You can use the following routines to
manipulate these 24-bit addresses.

4637 _INC_AHL
4643 _DEC_BDE

4633 takes a 24-bit address in AHL and returns the RAM page in A and the
physical address in HL.  462F does the same, but also sets the page for

>    How do you swap RAM and ROM pages?

Ports 5 and 6.  Alan Bailey wrote up a port description (well, really he
just modified someone's 85 port description ;-))  I think you can find it
in the technical 86 directory at

>    What are the uses for ipx and the other one (can't think of it right
> now).

IPX?  The only IPX I know is a network protocol.

>    How can you use addressing on the calculator.  (i.e. indirect, direct,
> etc)

1. ld c,4
2. ld d,e
3. ld a,(_curRow)
4. ld b,(hl)
5. ld h,(ix+7)
6. set 3,(iy+2)
7. out (5),a
8. in b,(c)

I think that covers all of them.  Did I miss any?

>     How can you do grayscale on the ti-86?

Rapid buffer exchange.

>     How can floating point numbers be used?

I've never used them.

Dan Eble (
