A86: Re: Questions about assembly programming
A86: Re: Questions about assembly programming
Hey this is Cyber Optic.. I have some more questions about ti-86 programming
to help me experiment with ti-86
asm and learn more about it, hopefully Dan Eble (the TI god), can help me
out with theses..
Notice that these questions get more complicated, because I am learning
How do you display a register as a number? I suspect its a ROM call.
Do you ever need to swap RAM or is it automatic when using absolute
addressing? Please explain in detail
how the memory works, that will help me a lot.
How do you swap RAM and ROM pages?
What are the uses for ipx and the other one (can't think of it right
How can you use addressing on the calculator. (i.e. indirect, direct,
How can you do grayscale on the ti-86?
How can floating point numbers be used?
- Cyber Optic