A86: Tuneslib
A86: Tuneslib
Now that I've ported the code for dsound (really easy, but not for a
newbie) I would like to try to port the tuneslib file to the 86. One
problem, I need some help...Where to start, so many questions... I think
it would be easyer if we made this a group project of sorts. I'm having
problems understanding the code. Here take a look at the code and see if
you guys understand it. How is the information being read
;;To use playsong(hl->song) just do #include "tuneslib.asm" in your
;;program. There is no reason to change anything in this file.
;;This code is freeware, the only restrictions are if you use this code,
;;please send me a copy of your game (so I can play it too!) and give
;;me credit where credit is do in your .doc file.
;;how to call playsong:
;; ld de,(PROGRAM_ADDR)
;; ld hl,yoursong
;; add hl,de
;; CALL_(playsong)
;;If you wish to have a different key to exit the playsong function, do:
;;#define EXITBIT the_port1_bit_of_the_key_you_want
;;The format of songs are:
;; playmode, octive, duration,frequency, duration,frequency ...
;;None of the above numbers are true.
;;valid playmodes are:
#define LegatoOn 00000000b
#define LegatoOff 00000001b
;;Legato On means there is a slight pause between notes.
;;Octive: This number specifies the innermost delay. It can be
;;use to raise or lower the whole pitch of the song. Lower number
;;higher pitch.
;;Duration: This number specifies the duration of the note. Its the
;;outer most loop.
;;Use a duration of zero to indicate the end of the song.
;;Frequency: This is not the true frequency. The lower the number the
;;higher the frequency. Use a frequency of 0 to indicate a rest.
;;To have your notes be the same length, make sure that
;;is a constant number (or close to it).
;;WARNING! Not responsible for any damage this may cause!!!!!!!
#define StopNote 0
#ifndef EXITBIT
LEGATOBIT =0 ;;if bit true then no delay between notes
;;void playsong(hl->song)
;;where data= playbits, delay, count,freqd, count,freqd...
;;used: a,b=looper, c=currentport,d=delay,e=playbits,hl->data
playnokey: ;;dont want any keys pressed when start
xor a
out (1),a
in a,(1)
cp 255 ;;;bit EXITBIT,a ;;is the exit keypressed??
jr nz,playnokey
ld a,$C0
ld c,a
out (7),a
ld e,(hl) ;;play bits
inc hl
ld d,(hl) ;;load the delay
inc hl
ld a,(hl) ;;get the count
ld b,a
cp 0
jr z,doneplay
inc hl
;;;test for legato
jr nz,skiplegato
push bc ;;legato
ld b,0
nop \ nop
djnz legatoloop
pop bc ;;legato
ld a,(hl) ;;get the freq delay
cp 0
jr z,thenREST ;;if the freqd is 0 then rest the speaker
;TOGGLE sound
ld a,c
xor 00111100b ;toggles those bits on and off
out (7),a
ld c,a
push bc
ld b,(hl)
push bc
ld b,d ;;load the delay
xor a
out (1),a
in a,(1)
cp 255 ;;;bit EXITBIT,a ;;is the exit keypressed??
jr z,noquitplay
pop bc
pop bc
jr doneplay
djnz delayloop
pop bc
djnz freqdloop
pop bc
djnz countloop
jr playloop
ld a,$C0
out (7),a ;output 1 1 ;;make sure this is the last to be
;;Chris Busch
;;cbusch@d.umn.edu (address will be stale after may 96)
;;tuneslib.asm copyright (c)1996
;;version 1.0
;;Allows ti-85 zshell programs to play songs or sound effects.
;;To use playsong(hl->song) just do #include "tuneslib.asm" in your zshell
;;program. There is no reason to change anything in this file.
;;This code is freeware, the only restrictions are if you use this code,
;;please send me a copy of your game (so I can play it too!) and give
;;me credit where credit is do in your .doc file.
;;how to call playsong:
;; ld de,(PROGRAM_ADDR)
;; ld hl,yoursong
;; add hl,de
;; CALL_(playsong)
;;If you wish to have a different key to exit the playsong function, do:
;;#define EXITBIT the_port1_bit_of_the_key_you_want
;;The format of songs are:
;; playmode, octive, duration,frequency, duration,frequency ...
;;None of the above numbers are true.
;;valid playmodes are:
#define LegatoOn 00000000b
#define LegatoOff 00000001b
;;Legato On means there is a slight pause between notes.
;;Octive: This number specifies the innermost delay. It can be
;;use to raise or lower the whole pitch of the song. Lower number
;;higher pitch.
;;Duration: This number specifies the duration of the note. Its the
;;outer most loop.
;;Use a duration of zero to indicate the end of the song.
;;Frequency: This is not the true frequency. The lower the number the
;;higher the frequency. Use a frequency of 0 to indicate a rest.
;;To have your notes be the same length, make sure that duration*frequency
;;is a constant number (or close to it).
;;WARNING! Not responsible for any damage this may cause!!!!!!!
#define StopNote 0
#ifndef EXITBIT
LEGATOBIT =0 ;;if bit true then no delay between notes
;;void playsong(hl->song)
;;where data= playbits, delay, count,freqd, count,freqd...
;;used: a,b=looper, c=currentport,d=delay,e=playbits,hl->data
playnokey: ;;dont want any keys pressed when start
xor a
out (1),a
in a,(1)
cp 255 ;;;bit EXITBIT,a ;;is the exit keypressed??
jr nz,playnokey
ld a,$C0
ld c,a
out (7),a
ld e,(hl) ;;play bits
inc hl
ld d,(hl) ;;load the delay
inc hl
ld a,(hl) ;;get the count
ld b,a
cp 0
jr z,doneplay
inc hl
;;;test for legato
jr nz,skiplegato
push bc ;;legato
ld b,0
nop \ nop
djnz legatoloop
pop bc ;;legato
ld a,(hl) ;;get the freq delay
cp 0
jr z,thenREST ;;if the freqd is 0 then rest the speaker
;TOGGLE sound
ld a,c
xor 00111100b ;toggles those bits on and off
out (7),a
ld c,a
push bc
ld b,(hl)
push bc
ld b,d ;;load the delay
xor a
out (1),a
in a,(1)
cp 255 ;;;bit EXITBIT,a ;;is the exit keypressed??
jr z,noquitplay
pop bc
pop bc
jr doneplay
djnz delayloop
pop bc
djnz freqdloop
pop bc
djnz countloop
jr playloop
ld a,$C0
out (7),a ;output 1 1 ;;make sure this is the last to be outputted!
;;end of file