re: A86: regarding inputting


re: A86: regarding inputting

This system routine will input floating points and other numeric types.

; _inputExpr - input and evaluate an expression.
;              a prompt will come out on the screen and you can type an
;              expression, when enter is hit the expression is evaluated.
;	       output:	OP1 := evaluated result of expression.

_inputexpr is called indirectly.

You need to load (0D623h) with a 0Dh, and then call 5714h. 

I will update the include files with the proper equates in a day or two.


Original text

From: Mark Baldi-Biek <>, on 10/24/97 2:49 PM:
Now that I've learned how to output integers, I need a pointer as to how I
might input integers?  Are there any rom calls or does anyone have any
routines written?  Thanks
