Re: A86: VAT--Info!!!


Re: A86: VAT--Info!!!

At 16:47 1997-12-19 +0100, you wrote:
>2)  Trying to discover it myself, i've tried to understand some piece of
>from other programs... for example, sqrxz. Well, in one section concerning
>scanning of variables I can't understand the meaning of these following
> [...]
> call FillChar
> ld hl,($D298) ;<=-----
> ld ix,worlds ; | Why this double assignment?
> ld hl,$BFFF ;<=-----

I forgot to remove the first ld hl,() line...

>SearchWorlds: ; and all the other incomprensible (4 me) things that
> ld de,($D298)
> inc de
> or a
> sbc hl,de
> jr c,SearchDone
> add hl,de
> push hl

That part checks if the end of the VAT table is reached.
($D298) is a pointer to the the end of the VAT. If HL<=($D298),
then the program stops searching for strings.

>one! Anyone knows where to find documents and algorithms concerning SYMBOLIC
>calculus?  I feel the lack of some symbolic tool for this nice calculator...
>Anyone wants to help us (me and one my friend) to realize the first symbolic
>suite for ti-86? Informations and suggestions are welcomed!

I'm working on a symbolic manipulation math program. Without documents
and algorithms though, but I don't think you'll find very many documents
about it.

Real name: Jimmy Mårdell                 
IRC......: Yarin                         
Email....:      <-- NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!!
