A86: VAT--Info!!!
A86: VAT--Info!!!
Hi 2 all, I'm a new entry in this mailing list, and (surprise!) i've just
finished writing my first assembly program (TiL v0.01,that is, Ti-Less, a
viewer... it could be handy)
Here there are some nice little questions 4 you:
1) Where I can find documents explainig how to manage variables in asm?
I don't want to include my text in my source and recompile it every change I
make! I want to make (in c) a parser that takes my 'document.txt' and
transformes it in my name.86s-file worring about converting greek letters,
symbols, right end-of-linings (i'm using those nice little variable fonts)
I can send it to my calc and load it with my asm program via
(or similar). But to do this, I have got to know where to find the adresses
strings in memory!
2) Trying to discover it myself, i've tried to understand some piece of
from other programs... for example, sqrxz. Well, in one section concerning
scanning of variables I can't understand the meaning of these following
call FillChar
ld hl,($D298) ;<=-----
ld ix,worlds ; | Why this double assignment?
ld hl,$BFFF ;<=-----
SearchWorlds: ; and all the other incomprensible (4 me) things that
ld de,($D298)
inc de
or a
sbc hl,de
jr c,SearchDone
add hl,de
push hl
3) Well, i've not finished my first program and i'm already thinkin' the
one! Anyone knows where to find documents and algorithms concerning SYMBOLIC
calculus? I feel the lack of some symbolic tool for this nice calculator...
Anyone wants to help us (me and one my friend) to realize the first symbolic
suite for ti-86? Informations and suggestions are welcomed!