Re: A86: quick off


Re: A86: quick off

At 10:30 PM 12/18/97 -0600, you wrote:
>heres a small, unintelligent pre-beta program that shuts your calc off
>when you press on. only prob is you have to pull out a battery and press
>on to turn the calc on without it turning off again. im planning on
>using a routine to stop this....somehow :)

It's easy enough - Try this:


>   push af
>   push bc
>   push hl
    ld a,(OnToggle)
    xor 1	    ;flip bit 0
    or a
    jr z,i0	    ;if it's clear, don't turn the calc off.

>   in a,(3)        ;check for on being pressed
>   and $8          ;|
>   or 0            ;V
>   jr nz,i0        ;if it wasn't then goto i0
>   res 4,(IY+9)    ;reset break status
>   pushR           ;save the registers
>   call $0C29      ;turn the calc off
>   popR            ;return the registers
>   pop hl
>   pop bc
>   pop af
>   ret
OnToggle equ $-int+_user_int_ram
    .db 0

