A86: quick off
A86: quick off
heres a small, unintelligent pre-beta program that shuts your calc off
when you press on. only prob is you have to pull out a battery and press
on to turn the calc on without it turning off again. im planning on
using a routine to stop this....somehow :)
#include "asm86.h"
#include "ti86asm.inc"
#define pushR in a,(5) \ push af \ ld a,$0d \ out (5),a \ nop \ nop \ nop
#define popR pop af \ out (5),a
_user_int_ram EQU $d2fd
.org _asm_exec_ram
res 2,(iy+$23) ;turn user int off so it won't get called by
;accident before we're ready
ld hl,int ;copy prog to user int buffer
ld de,_user_int_ram+1
ld bc,int_end-int
ld a,(_user_int_ram+1) ;set up checksum byte
ld hl,_user_int_ram+($28*1)
add a,(hl)
ld hl,_user_int_ram+($28*2)
add a,(hl)
ld hl,_user_int_ram+($28*3)
add a,(hl)
ld hl,_user_int_ram+($28*4)
add a,(hl)
ld hl,_user_int_ram+($28*5)
add a,(hl)
ld (_user_int_ram),a
set 2,(iy+$23) ;turn it on
push af
push bc
push hl
in a,(3) ;check for on being pressed
and $8 ;|
or 0 ;V
jr nz,i0 ;if it wasn't then goto i0
res 4,(IY+9) ;reset break status
pushR ;save the registers
call $0C29 ;turn the calc off
popR ;return the registers
pop hl
pop bc
pop af