Re: [A85: Re: Here it is, the Sqrxz and Super Mario 86 level competition
Re: [A85: Re: Here it is, the Sqrxz and Super Mario 86 level competition!]
They shouldn't have .cla extensions. maybe it is the unzip program you are
using? i'm pretty sure they were .class 's for me using winzip. but it is
an application - running in a web browser would have been hell since it
needs to do file I/O and signing Java applets is a pain in the ass. if you
have java on your machine on your machine at school, try it out. Java is
for the most part really cool. And if you ever wanted to make any kind of
ti 8X utility in java, i have a pretty good class that writes a ti 8X file.
I kind of wish that had a directory for reusable programming
----- Original Message -----
From: John Teffer <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 1999 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: [A85: Re: Here it is, the Sqrxz and Super Mario 86 level
> Michael Pearce wrote:
> > I didn't actually include a VM. I included a windows DLL that allows
> > *native* execution of a natively compiled java application. I.E. it is
> > native windows program written in java.
> Alright, thanks for clarifying, I'm just learning Java. So far
> the class I'm in is only up to "make a button."
> > I don't know too much about java on
> > Mac. If anyone would tell me if it works, i would love to know. I
> > even know where to download MRJ.
> I downloaded it and took a look. I only know how to run applets,
> and I guess this is an application? In any case, I noticed that
> there were files with truncated names, like;
> SolEditor$SolButtonListener.cla
> So I would imagine it wouldn't work on a mac due to the file name
> limits. probably a fairly easy find and replace fix though.
> > I had no intention of screwing anyone out of using the editor (which is
> > i included the interpreted java version). But i knew that most people
> > PCs, so i made it easier for them to be able to use. I did my best... i
> > thought :).
> hey, you're my hero just for programming anything at all. :)
> Well, I haven't even tried the game yet, If I really like it
> maybe I'll run the level editor at school on the newfangled PIII's.
> Later,
> - John
> --
> "Nets would be better if they were small and pointy, and you
> could put them in guns. Oh! I guess they'd be too much like
> bullets then!" - STiK
> --