Re: A85: Converting ZShell progarms to SuperNova


Re: A85: Converting ZShell progarms to SuperNova

Yeah, I think I've been using the words "porting" and "converting"
interchangeably lately.  That's probably not a good idea.  Yes, I know -
this guy is _converting_ ZShell progarms to SuperNova, just read the subject
line :)

I guess theres not much else to say, just read my other post.


----- Original Message -----
From: Sam Heald <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 09, 1999 10:50 PM
Subject: Re: A85: Converting ZShell progarms to SuperNova

> >Gee, why would that be? ;)
>    I don't know... ;)
> >BTW - Sam, what are your thoughts on this?  You've ported a lot of
> >programs.
> >Have you ever done so without the author's permission?
>     Of course not! In fact, I'm insulted(not really) that you would equate
> the porting that I've done with the work of this person. This is like
> I port games from ASH to CrASH (they are 82 shells that are nearly
> for those unaware). This is NOT porting but rather converting. It's like
> saying you ported all of those Penguins/SQRXZ level sets ;)
>     As for an opinion on the actual sequence of events, I really do not
> care. Nobody uses SuperNova, therefore nobody will play the conversions.
> Most of the text files have not been updated at all. If wants
> post untested and unapproved releases, then there is really nothing anyone
> can do to stop them. In doing so, members only make themselves
> look bad. Odds are by the nature of the releases that the perpetrator is
> someone that is either a staff member of or closely related to
>    Sam
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