Re: A85: Converting ZShell progarms to SuperNova


Re: A85: Converting ZShell progarms to SuperNova

>Gee, why would that be? ;)

   I don't know... ;)

>BTW - Sam, what are your thoughts on this?  You've ported a lot of 
>Have you ever done so without the author's permission?

    Of course not! In fact, I'm insulted(not really) that you would equate 
the porting that I've done with the work of this person. This is like saying 
I port games from ASH to CrASH (they are 82 shells that are nearly identical 
for those unaware). This is NOT porting but rather converting. It's like 
saying you ported all of those Penguins/SQRXZ level sets ;)
    As for an opinion on the actual sequence of events, I really do not 
care. Nobody uses SuperNova, therefore nobody will play the conversions. 
Most of the text files have not been updated at all. If wants to 
post untested and unapproved releases, then there is really nothing anyone 
can do to stop them. In doing so, members only make themselves 
look bad. Odds are by the nature of the releases that the perpetrator is 
someone that is either a staff member of or closely related to

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