Re: A85: Chem program


Re: A85: Chem program

It would be best if everything could be compressed, but at the very least
I would like the atomic masses compressed, please.  I would like to
implement atomic number and symbol searches, name searches aren't
necessary.  Thank you for offering to help.

Justin Bosch

On Fri, 22 Jan 1999 22:16:50 -0600 David Whittaker <>
><!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
><p>I have done a little work and research on compression, but I just 
>chemistry.&nbsp; If you would give me a list of all the values you 
>compressed (not every element, but do you want the atomic number, 
>symbol, full name, etc.).&nbsp; Also, if you would give me the 
>needed and the way you would want to search the table (atomic number 
>be best, but others would work) and I will see how small I can get 
>Currently, I have a way to store all the atomic masses with three 
>places accuracy in 14 bits, and they are searchable and expandable by 
>atomic number.&nbsp; E-mail&nbsp; <a 
>directly and I will give you an explanation of this method.&nbsp; 
>rather long.)
><p>Justin M Bosch wrote:
><blockquote TYPE=CITE>I have decided to either make a few ROM 
>versions, or one
><br>version that supports the two or three most popular ROMs.&nbsp; A 
><br>people I know have 10.0, so that will definitely be one of the 
><br>supported.&nbsp; If anyone would like to request another ROM 
>I am
><br>open to suggestions.&nbsp; I might be able to release beta copies 
><br>functionality in a week or two, depending on my work load in 
><br>These will not yet include the molar mass calculator, and thus be 
><br>indepependent since they will not use the OP routines.&nbsp; If 
>has any
><br>suggestions on how to compress all of the elemental data, please 
><br>me because I have no compression experience.
><p>Justin Bosch
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