Re: A85: Chem program


Re: A85: Chem program


I have done a little work and research on compression, but I just started chemistry.  If you would give me a list of all the values you wanted compressed (not every element, but do you want the atomic number, mass, symbol, full name, etc.).  Also, if you would give me the accuracy needed and the way you would want to search the table (atomic number would be best, but others would work) and I will see how small I can get it.  Currently, I have a way to store all the atomic masses with three decimal places accuracy in 14 bits, and they are searchable and expandable by their atomic number.  E-mail  me directly and I will give you an explanation of this method.  (It's rather long.)


Justin M Bosch wrote:

I have decided to either make a few ROM dependent versions, or one
version that supports the two or three most popular ROMs.  A lot of
people I know have 10.0, so that will definitely be one of the ones
supported.  If anyone would like to request another ROM version, I am
open to suggestions.  I might be able to release beta copies with limited
functionality in a week or two, depending on my work load in school.
These will not yet include the molar mass calculator, and thus be ROM
indepependent since they will not use the OP routines.  If anyone has any
suggestions on how to compress all of the elemental data, please assist
me because I have no compression experience.

Justin Bosch

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