Re: A85: The Usgard School


Re: A85: The Usgard School

At 03:23 1998-05-20 GMT, you wrote:
>The new pages look nice.  Here is a question.  Does usgard's grayscale
>library use any address relocation?  i plan on making an intro picture
>for Solomon's Key in an external string that is called from the main
>program.  This way people can delete the picture if they don't want

I'm not sure I understood the question... when #grayon is called,
the library "searches" for 1k aligned memory between the variable
data and the VAT, and returns the address in (PAGE2ADDR). You
should under no circumstances create or resize any variables when
using grayscale since the grayscale memory isn't allocated really.

And the lib doesn't use any relocation either, ie, no & chars.

Real name: Jimmy Mårdell                "can't go mucking with a 'void *'"
IRC......: Yarin                                // Apple's MPW C compiler
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