Re: A85: The Usgard School
Re: A85: The Usgard School
The new pages look nice. Here is a question. Does usgard's grayscale
library use any address relocation? i plan on making an intro picture
for Solomon's Key in an external string that is called from the main
program. This way people can delete the picture if they don't want
-mike pearce
On Wed, 20 May 1998 02:22:13 +0200, you wrote:
>FINALLY my new homepage is up and with it
> _T_H_E_ _U_S_G_A_R_D_ _S_C_H_O_O_L_
>It doesn't differ very much from the ZShell school,
>except at the end, very #fncall is used for different
>things, like grayscale & sprites.
>Both school (Zshell & Usgard) are permanently closed
>though, ie, nore more lessons ever.
>Real name: Jimmy Mårdell "can't go mucking with a 'void *'"
>IRC......: Yarin // Apple's MPW C compiler
>Homepage.: <-- NEW HOMEPAGE!!