Re: A85: ZShell to Usgard


Re: A85: ZShell to Usgard

Yes you can make levels using bits like that, but i imagine most games
use 1 byte for each tile.  you cannot read 1 bit from memory at a
time.  you must read the entire byte.  you can then use the "bit"
instruction to test an individual bit.  instructions such as "and" and
"or" are also very useful.

-mike pearce

On Sat, 16 May 1998 23:45:48 -0500, you wrote:

>         .db %10101010
>         .db %01010101
>ld   hl, (PROGRAM_ADDR)
>ld   de, data1
>add   hl, de
 bit 7,(hl)
 jr nz, Label	;jump to label since high bit is 1 (non-zero)


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