Re: A85: Drawing a menu


Re: A85: Drawing a menu

When the cursor is drawn, it inverses seven rows, each 10 bytes across,
with three bytes on either side.  The 112 is the difference of hl at the
end and hl at the beginning.  hl + 7 (16).  I don't really understand
what the code below is supposed to do.

Justin Bosch

>;  a = the row to inverse
>	ld     hl, $FE13 - 112    ; Options menu cursor - 112
>	                          ; (the 112 gets added back)
>	ld     de, 112            ; # of bytes for each row
>	ld     b,a                ; put row number in b for djnz
>D_C_CalcVidMem:                   ; must go through loop at least once
>	add    hl, de             ; for each row, add 112 bytes
>	djnz D_C_CalcVidMem
>;hl now has correct address of where to start drawing
>	ld     c, 7               ; Height of cursor
>	ld     b, 10              ; Width in bytes of cursor
>but i'll look some more and see i can find the actual problem.
>-mike pearce

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