Re: A85: Drawing a menu


Re: A85: Drawing a menu

i'm not exactly sure.  i couldn't see what was wrong.  but, i would do
something a little differently.  make the Draw_Cursor routine only
take one input value, register a (or read from the Option memory
location at the start of the routine).  i might try having the first
lines of the routine look like this:

;  a = the row to inverse

	ld     hl, $FE13 - 112    ; Options menu cursor - 112
	                          ; (the 112 gets added back)
	ld     de, 112            ; # of bytes for each row
	ld     b,a                ; put row number in b for djnz
D_C_CalcVidMem:                   ; must go through loop at least once
	add    hl, de             ; for each row, add 112 bytes
	djnz D_C_CalcVidMem

;hl now has correct address of where to start drawing

	ld     c, 7               ; Height of cursor
	ld     b, 10              ; Width in bytes of cursor

but i'll look some more and see i can find the actual problem.

-mike pearce

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