Re: A85: Solomon's Key beta (0/1)


Re: A85: Solomon's Key beta (0/1)

Michael Pearce wrote:

> Here is a beta of solomon's key.  hopefully it will be decode-able.
> (and sorry if you are pissed about sending binaries to the list.)
> hopefully there are no bugs, but there may be so use at your own risk.
> but, more importantly, the compression.  the levels are only 112 bytes
> each.  there are going to be maybe 2 or 3 common tiles for every level
> ("wall", crushable "block"). i was thinking of having a bit map of the
> entire level (14 bytes) for each of the two most common tiles (1
> signifying it's in the map, 0 is "other").  then have a bit map for
> every "other" tile followed by a list of what the tiles are.  every
> remaining tile is an "empty" tile.  so there would be a total of 3
> bitmaps (3*14=42 bytes) + the number of "other tiles", usually less
> than 25 i figure.  so this would create a level of around 70 bytes.
> what does anyone think of this method?
> -mike

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Bryan Rabeler <>
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