A85: TI85 and USGARD 1.1 and 1.5
A85: TI85 and USGARD 1.1 and 1.5
-> Hi everybody!
-> Well, I had TI85 for 3 years and didn't notice the power inside -
-> until I was told to visit www.ticalc.org. On the first attemp I
-> discovered ASM and downloaded just the whole 85 branch from FTP.
-> I have a problem - when I install USGARD WIN, no matter which
-> version, the calculator is very unstable. Sometimes hangs when
-> entering START menu, sometimes hangs when leaving shell. With USGARD
-> STD there's no problem at all. I have TI85 ver 9.0. Is it a c ommon
-> problem, or just I have this trouble? At the moment of testing USWIN
-> the calc was unaltered inside (I mean not yet turboed).
-> Well, perhaps stupid question - how to put a text into calc? I
-> tried to use STRING 85, I have STRING variable with text, can RCL it,
-> but how to view it in a civilized way? I have Q-View 1.0 and
-> TextViewer, USG STD 1.5 , CoolShell+.
-> The last but not the least - where can I find scematics of TI-85
-> or at least detailed IO and memory map?
-> Best regards
-> Pawel Kraszewski - mailto:pkraszewski@BigFoot.COM
-> /\ http://www.bigfoot.com/~pkraszewski
-> __/ \ ______________________Tel/Fax: +48(91)4872905______________
-> \/
You can find schematics in ticalc's archives, as well as an I/O map, and
a memory map. they should all be in the text section, I think.