A85: TI85 and USGARD 1.1 and 1.5


A85: TI85 and USGARD 1.1 and 1.5

Hi everybody!

    Well, I had TI85 for 3 years and didn't notice the power inside - until I was told to visit www.ticalc.org. On the first attemp I discovered ASM and downloaded just the whole 85 branch from FTP.

    I have a problem - when I install USGARD WIN, no matter which version, the calculator is very unstable. Sometimes hangs when entering START menu, sometimes hangs when leaving shell. With USGARD STD there's no problem at all. I have TI85 ver 9.0. Is it a common problem, or just I have this trouble? At the moment of testing USWIN the calc was unaltered inside (I mean not yet turboed).

    Well, perhaps stupid question - how to put a text into calc? I tried to use STRING 85, I have STRING variable with text, can RCL it, but how to view it in a civilized way? I have Q-View 1.0 and TextViewer, USG STD 1.5 , CoolShell+. 

    The last but not the least - where can I find scematics of TI-85 or at least detailed IO and memory map?

    Best regards
           Pawel Kraszewski - mailto:pkraszewski@BigFoot.COM
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