A85: my game and a question
A85: my game and a question
Originally I wasn't going to post what kind of game I was making to
prevent others from stealing or copying it, but then I thought why
should I be worried! I'm going to post the source when I post the game,
and let anyone who wants to improve it do so, I guess my ego was just
blurring my common sense.
Anyway, the game I'm making is a yuker. In class we play it a lot but
get in trouble for the cards, so hence the "Nessecity is the mother of
invention" quote. There are only a couple of limitations to the calc
program though:
1. No bids over 6 (which I'll change later).
2. You have to pass the TI-85 around (There's no helping that, unless
you can link four of them together).
3. No low card (which may get changed)
4. I just hope the routine to find the winner of the trick
But, that's what I was so happy about yesterday. It may sound lame but,
it's a start.
I've had a couple ideas for a math program too. But I'm not sure of a
way to find the reciprocal of a number, can anyone tell me if there is
Jason Warner