Re: A85: Help with user memory


Re: A85: Help with user memory

there are no other areas in memory that large.  you can do something
like this -

   ld hl,(VAT_END)              ;one byte before end of VAT
   ld a,h                       ;\
   sub 4                        ; |decrease hl by 1024
   ld h,a                       ;/
   ld (VIRTUALSCREEN),hl        ;save location of virtual screen
   ld de,(FIRST_FREE)           ;first free byte of memory
   or a                         ;\ is new area of virtual screen
   sbc hl,de                    ;/  all in free memory?
   jr nc,StartSolsKey           ;got enough memory so start 'er up
   ld hl,$0403                  ;else display message of not enough
   ld ($800C),hl
   ld hl,&MemErrorText
   call D_ZT_STR
   call OTH_PAUSE
   ret                          ;exit the game

.db "Need 1KB free!",0

VIRTUALSCREEN is word in memory to store the address of the 1024 bytes
(so change to whatever you want).  it jumps to the StartSolsKey label
if successful.  i have a polygon routine (not working 100% but pretty
close) on my web page that may interest you - .


On Fri, 10 Apr 1998 00:49:13 EDT, you wrote:

>Err, I have a slight problem.  Can anyone tell me of any usermemory (i.e. 1024
>byte chunks) OTHER than GRAPH_MEM or VIDEO_MEM?  I'm making a polygon
>Animation thingie (wireframe, but somewhat like Final fantasy 7's fighting
>sequence).  And I need to know where to store all those d@mned matrices. :-D
>-Josh Morris
