Re: A85: Usgard 1.1 release
Re: A85: Usgard 1.1 release
Tony Lieuallen wrote:
> Ess Andreas wrote:
> > Finally Usgard 1.1 is finished.
> Well, I have to say, the one thing I want from usgard would be to get
> custcust back! I only run a couple programs (usually) and it would be
> great to just be able to press 2 keys to run them! Can't use the old
> custcust anymore either! Please consider this! Thanks.
Since I haven't heard anything from Sam Davies for some time, I guess I
could make it. It won't require winlib as the previous custcust did (?)
Jimmy Mårdell "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from."
IRC: Yarin "Sanity? I'm sure I have it on tape