A85: Shoe polish
A85: Shoe polish
This email concerns an idea that I have about a feature possible for a
shell. When libraries were used in Usgard, each usually had several
functions. In my opinion, it would be much more economical if all of
those libraries were to split up into myriads of smaller one-function
libraries. The format of an assembly program would include all the
mini-libraries that it needs. Then, there should be a computer program,
which reads a certain directory for 85s files, and asks the user to
check the programs that are on his calculator. The program should then
combine all of the needed mini libraries into one 85s file. I think
that such approach will definitely save space, and will eliminate all
the space that was wasted when using the conventional libraries.
I would gladly program a shell that does the above, yet I lack the
needed programing skills (although I might accumulate enough skills
later in the year). I also think that there are already too many
shells, to make another one. However, I am sure that most Australian
hedgehogs would be very happy if the above feature would be incorporated
into a version of Usgard.
Signed anonymously by Arseniy Khobotkov