RE: A85: A couple of programming questions


RE: A85: A couple of programming questions

I can't help you with the specifics but it may be of interest to know
that I read a very good doctorate paper on shuffling cards and it
proved mathematically that randomizing the list 4 times completely shuffled
a deck. So when you do randomize it, just loop four times and you got it.

The method inferred was you take the first card and swap with a random card,
do the same with the second, and so on. Loop four times, bingo!

-----Original Message-----
From:	Michael Pearce []
Sent:	Monday, September 01, 1997 2:39 PM
Subject:	A85: A couple of programming questions

First, and most importantly, what is the best way to create a random
order for a fixed data set.  Or more specifically, what is the best
way to shuffle cards.  Second, does the RANDOM routine in Usgard work?
I think i remember reading that you could only call it so many times.
Is this still true with Usgard v1.0?

-mike pearce
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