Re: LZ: Shells


Re: LZ: Shells wrote:
> On Tue, 03 Jun 1997 00:22:57 -0700 <> writes:
> >>You've got some good ideas, but you're
> >> also forgetting the main method of transport for these programs--THE
> >> TI-85.  VERY few people have a GRAPHLINK
> >
> >Ummm... If they have no access to a link...what are they doing on
> >list-zshell??
> It is quite true that few people have graphlinks.  The majority of
> List-ZShell subscribers may have them, but overall very few do.
> At my school there are about 200-400 people who have ZShell games
> on their TI-85's, and only 3 have graph links!  The primary method
> of distribution of games/shells is definitely calculator to
> calculator.  The ability for a new shell to be customized on the
> can't!  OS-85 v3.1, which actually has proper checksum handling (and can
> recalculate the checksums in programs that were trashed by the old OS-85)
> is not used at all!

by the way, my shell does not have checksum checking either so when a
program is copied from an OS-85 v2 calculator you can run it on a
calculator that is running my shell which is called ARsfZP (A
Replacement Shell for ZShell Programs)

Peter Cordes

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