Re: LZ: ZShell, OS-85, C-Shell NT, OShell and all the rest


Re: LZ: ZShell, OS-85, C-Shell NT, OShell and all the rest

On Mon, 2 Jun 1997, Will Stokes wrote:

> you know how beginnings of files have a tag that says this string is a
> zshell string (or isn;t). I know zshell has it
> 's own string tag, regualr strings don't and thye don't show up in the
> menu thingy. if we incorporated into that string a statemetn of locked or
> unlocked you could do this? understnad? I KNOW it could be done.

Keith and I have had a few discussions about this... I think that just 
changing the first hex value in the header ($00, $FD, string stuff...) 
from $00 to $01 (to denote locked) would be just fine... The locked 
program would also not show up in ZShell if transfered to a calc running 


Cogito, ergo sum.  Sum, ergo edo.  Cogito, ergo doleo.  Cogito sumere 
potum alterum.
