Re: LZ: The final word on APD in asm shells...


Re: LZ: The final word on APD in asm shells...

Keith Burzinski wrote:

> Now will someone please add this to TI-RAM.TXT???  ;)  *thinks*  Gee, I
> ACTUALLY made a contribution (though minor) to that file...  :)
> I hope that someone finds this helpful...  ;)

I am sorry to say this, but i already knew this. I have got exams now,
and i
only have internet acces at the university, so i have not had time to
read all
my mail.

Hopefully i will get the time to update TI-ROM and TI-RAM soon (i have
of new stuff to add). And since resizing of vars is working too i will
probably release TI-VARS too.

The new version of ti-rom.txt will probably include the following
-Variable functions (Create/Delete/Resize for all rom versions)
-FP Math (For all rom versions including a lot of new rutines

Have any of you tried using the errorhandler ? I have been working a bit
including some information about that, so if anyone has some information
would like to now.

Does anyone now who maintains TI-PORTS ? I think it is Rob Taylor, but i
have not been able to get in contact with him. (I might have some
corrections to that file).


Dines Justesen
Email: or
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