Re: LZ: Stupid Newbie Question: Why doesn't this work?


Re: LZ: Stupid Newbie Question: Why doesn't this work?

Nick Zitzmann wrote:
> OK. So I've done the generic Hello World style of program, and now am
> trying something else...
> I'm having a little trouble putting a number into HL, and trying to figure
> out how to display this number on the screen. I've tried this:
> #include "ti-85.h"
> .org 0
> .db "Numbers",0
>   ld de,0
>   ld hl,1000
>   ld (CURSOR_ROW),de
>   dec hl
> Loop:
>   call GET_KEY
>   cp K_EXIT
>   jr z,Loop
>   ret
> .end
> For some reason, this program won't run, and I (being new to assembly
> programming in general) don't see what's wrong with it. Does anyone?
> Nick Zitzmann                             No WWW page at this time.
> (Resident Macintosh Tweaker)
>                                           Windows 95:
>                                           From the people who brought you
>                                             EDLIN!
Do you have the most up to date version of TI-85.h? Some of the older
versions don't support K_???.

					Greg Gilbert
